Author: M.R Cullen

First chapter reveal for In His Words – Book 2 of the Sin-Eater Collective

In the 13-months since I began working on In His Words, it’s undergone so many changes it’s almost a completely different novel to the one I originally envisioned. Character changes, point of view changes, the climax. None of my original idea is there. I learned a lot writing this book. More than I expected and much more than I learned writing Book 1 of the Sin-Eater Collective, Confession Despite the challenges, detours and hiccups along the way I’m really pleased with how it all turned out. And now that I’m only 4 weeks away from launch date I’m eager for readers to come along on Kevin’s journey. It’s bloody, and gory, and Kevin isn’t the most reliable narrator you’ll ever come across, but I think it’s fun. To celebrate the finished product, I wanted to share with you the full first chapter of In His Words. If you like it, it’s available for pre-order on Amazon at the following link: And now, without further gilding of the lily, here’s Chapter One of In His …

Sneaky peak of Confession – A Sin-Eater Collective Novella.

As I prepare to release the second book in the Sin-Eater Collective I’ve found myself looking back fondly on the creation of my debut novella which was released in March 2020. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, or where the journey would take me. What it did was reinforce in my mind the only career I want is that of a professional author. It might take a decade or two to get there. It may never happen, but I’ll never give up trying and I’ll always look back at Confession with a warm smile for the role it played in getting me moving. After the success of last weeks free giveaway which saw the novella reach the Number 2 spot in the Top 100 Free Occult Horror Best Seller’s List on Amazon I thought I’d revisit a post I made here in February 2020. Back then I shared a snippet of the first chapter, but I decide tonight to share the whole first chapter. Being so early in my career I can …

3 lessons from writing my debut novella Confession

When I was putting together my debut novella Confession, I spent a lot of time experimenting. The whole purpose of the story was for me to play. I wrote for my enjoyment and, to paraphrase Marie Kondo, if a section or action didn’t spark joy for me as the creator I cut it. Or rewrote it. Confession was born from one need. The need to finish a story. To take a tale from beginning to end and see what there was to see on the journey.  Confession isn’t the first story I’ve written. Far from it, but it is the first one I’ve taken through the drafting process to actually finish it. Confession, put simply, is here because I wanted to see if I could do it. And I think I have. Writing the book, I came across three key lessons that will stand me in good stead for future writing projects. I wanted to discuss them briefly here:

A Sneak Peek of Confession by M.R Cullen

The editing of my eBook, Confession, is rapidly drawing to a close in preparation for the release on Friday, March 13th, 2020. In the next week or so pre-orders will open, and I have to say I’m a little nervous. Actually, that would be an understatement. I’m starting to feel like a proper, grown-up writer and my moods are swaying between absolute confidence and ‘omg what am I doing?’ So, what am I up to today? I thought I’d give you a slight taste of the first chapter – not all of it, just a taste. This is the first 1,700 words of Chapter one. I hope you enjoy it. And, if you do make sure you stick around for the pre-order launch next week.

Confession – Release Date and Cover Reveal.

So, It comes as no surprise to anyone who has ever read this blog or even glanced at it on the way to something better that I intended to be a novelist. A storyteller. Today, I can announce that my first self-published eBook, Confession, will be released on digital platforms on Friday, March 13th, 2020. I had planned on doing it in February, but come on, who’d give up publishing a horror novel on Friday the 13th? Confession is the story of Sydney heiress Emily Lee. The only survivor of a house fire that killed her parents and brother when she was only 10 she has been raised by her maternal Grandmother ever since. After the death of her Grandmother in a household accident, Emily begins to experience sightings of her Grandmother and the badly burned ghost of her brother Marcus. As Emily is pushed to breaking point by her dead family members, her girlfriend Gabriella, her local parish priest, Father Eugene and the family physician, Doctor Becker struggle to keep Emily from shattering into …


I wrote this short story last month for the Furious Fiction writing competition at the Australian Writers’ Centre. It didn’t place, but that’s okay. It was my first attempt at entering any sort of competition so that’s all good. Besides, it means I can share it with you. If you’d like to check out the winning and recommended stories from October’s Furious Fiction click on the hyperlink. There are some fab stories there for you to read. Mike