All posts filed under: Opinion Pieces

Unpacking the fear of finishing

Late last year I finished doing the course by best-selling writer, Neil Gaiman. In it, he discussed a variety of issues and concept for young writers. Fun Fact 1: He called everyone starting out a young writer regardless of age, which frankly made this 46-year-old feel positively 18 again.

It’s Quicker to Build a House.

While I’ve been unemployed I’ve chosen to use the time to tick a few things off my to-do list. Smoking; quit. Drinking; quit. That’s two things. According to an App I have to assist with quitting nicotine I’ve saved almost $4,000 since December 27th, 2016 when I threw away the full packet of Dunhill Blue, the green plastic lighter and, just to make life complete, the unopened 4-litre cask of cheap white wine.

I Will Not Accept Being Tolerated.

This morning I woke up to news that a new letter had been sent to the Prime Minister of Australia requesting support for a Safe Schools style program. The idea is to replace the existing program with a national anti-bullying program after the Turnbull Government ceased funding of the initial Safe Schools program. The original Safe Schools program will continue being supported in the Labor-led States after the funding has stopped, but the Liberal-led States will be shutting it down.

The rise and rise of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation.

Twenty years ago it was Asians who were soon to be flooding Australian streets. Today, it’s Muslims who will be enforcing Halal foods on unwary Australians. Muslims who will be introducing Sharia law to the country and forcing the women of Australia to be wearing Burkas. In the coming age painted by Pauline Hanson and her One Nation party Australia will either be a Caliphate or free of all Muslims. There is no room for middle ground when the rhetoric demands a sacrifice.

Changing the narrative around alcoholism and mental health.

Look before I start let me make it clear. Everyone loves a tragedy. Shakespeare made a career spanning half a millennia out of writing some of the most heart-wrenching tragedies ever put to paper. Humans, as a species, seem compelled to get the popcorn and take a comfortable seat when someone else’s life is imploding. Perhaps it’s the distance from our own lives, or the Tall Poppy Syndrome the media love to talk about while tearing people apart. Whatever the reason tragedy sells papers and magazines, and ensures television ratings.