All posts tagged: eBook

A Sneak Peek of Confession by M.R Cullen

The editing of my eBook, Confession, is rapidly drawing to a close in preparation for the release on Friday, March 13th, 2020. In the next week or so pre-orders will open, and I have to say I’m a little nervous. Actually, that would be an understatement. I’m starting to feel like a proper, grown-up writer and my moods are swaying between absolute confidence and ‘omg what am I doing?’ So, what am I up to today? I thought I’d give you a slight taste of the first chapter – not all of it, just a taste. This is the first 1,700 words of Chapter one. I hope you enjoy it. And, if you do make sure you stick around for the pre-order launch next week.

Confession – Release Date and Cover Reveal.

So, It comes as no surprise to anyone who has ever read this blog or even glanced at it on the way to something better that I intended to be a novelist. A storyteller. Today, I can announce that my first self-published eBook, Confession, will be released on digital platforms on Friday, March 13th, 2020. I had planned on doing it in February, but come on, who’d give up publishing a horror novel on Friday the 13th? Confession is the story of Sydney heiress Emily Lee. The only survivor of a house fire that killed her parents and brother when she was only 10 she has been raised by her maternal Grandmother ever since. After the death of her Grandmother in a household accident, Emily begins to experience sightings of her Grandmother and the badly burned ghost of her brother Marcus. As Emily is pushed to breaking point by her dead family members, her girlfriend Gabriella, her local parish priest, Father Eugene and the family physician, Doctor Becker struggle to keep Emily from shattering into …